Monday, 8 August 2011

Faffing With Frames

There are a few things about my personality that you might have noticed if you have been reading this blog a while. Mainly how faddy I am. I get super obsessed with one thing for a very short period of time. I read about it, look at pictures and imagine myself doing it, fantasise about all the bits I am going to do. I generally start off really well, buy some necessary components, set up and go! After a short while, these things usually fizzle out.

I am learning to see that the short bursts of speed hobbying are fine though. In the time I am obsessed with things, I enjoy it and I take away experiences and results each time.

My home organisation project is still ongoing, and I still seek out spaces to declutter. I just forgot to take photographs and forgot to blog about it. Plus, I didn't know how many cupboard pervs there are out there who are actually interested!

I have tons of crafting stuff and always love to make cards and layouts, but my life sometimes gets in the way of that. Having babies is not conducive to quiet time for crafting...

Recently I decided to have a go at painting stuff. I bought a doll's crib for Eldest, a couple of large photo frames and a dining room table all from charity shops. My plan is to paint them all white (gloss white, gloss white and chalk white respectively). The crib is still not done, the table remains cruddy pine, but I did manage to do the frames. 

I originally bought two of these for £6. Not much of them left now though! Hubby put his foot through one of the panes of glass as I had it out on the floor faffing about with it. Then I took the second frame outside to spray paint and knocked it on the shed doorway. It fell apart! I was pretty morngey about it all but managed to salvage something.

Walking through The Works I picked up a roll of cork for £3, so I decided to turn the one surviving frame into a memo board. Not a cheap project by the time I'd destroyed most of it and had to buy the cork, but it's better than nothing ay?!

I also had three frames i'd bought from Wilkos ages ago. I liked the dark wood and i liked the mounts and shape, but not the prints. I hoped to put my own photographs in there, but was dithering about choosing some. I find it so hard to compose square images!

So, to get them on the walls i used some of the wallpaper that matches my curtains and made myself a wee art trio.

I'm also planning on making some sort of menu planning, whiteboard, patterned paper frame type doodah when i see the right frame. I really need something to help with menu planning.

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