Thursday, 4 March 2010

And so it begins

Yesterday I submitted our plans for our shiny new kitchen extension to the local council. The original plus 3 copies of the planning application, the original plus 3 copies of the Land Registry area map and the originals plus 3 copies of the plans and specification.

On Friday we applied for a remortgage to cover the additional £££ we need to borrow for the build. We have some money in savings too. We actually got a great interest rate just from staying with Halifax.

I am looking forward to this with the excitement that you feel when faced with getting something you've wanted for a while. At the same time, I am not looking forward to the mess and the hassle and just the general upset that is "having some work done".

We got our bathroom refurbished at the end of 2008 and that was nightmare enough. Lord only knows how we will cope with this extent of disruption, but it's all very temporary and all in a good cause.

Keep envisioning your shiny new kitchen extension, Sarah! :)

So far we have spent £15.40 on downloading information about our house from the Land Registry, £34.00 on photocopying the plans and £150.00 on the planning application. Plus £599 on remortgage fees, although technically we haven't spent that yet, and it's going onto the mortgage anyway. Total spend so far: £798.40. Yikes!

On a brighter note, it's sunny outside today!! YEY!! I have put baby's nappies out on the line to dry and I'm hoping they don't freeze up instead. The sunshine always makes me feel sooooooo much better! I've even reshuffled things in the kitchen to try to get some clutter off the worktops. I can't WAIT until there is enough room for everything to go away tidily! EEP!

Baby is going for her top up jabs today. :o( I always feel so sorry for her. She will be all lovely and smiley and completely unaware of what I'm about to put her through. Poor baby! She's sleeping now. I'm just going to let her sleep as long as she wants, but she needs less and less sleep in the day now, so I reckon I've maybe only got another 15 minutes left of naptime peace.

Ooo! I bought some Ribena yesterday. The proper stuff - actual Ribena - and not low sugar or anything. It is yum! Hubby and I used to go through loads of cartons of the stuff. It's ace! We hardly ever get it now though. It's too expensive. Ha! I also splashed out on some Jazz apples. They're supposed to be the dog's pods. They are okay like. Pretty tasty. Don't know whether they're worth the £2.50 I paid for 8 of them though...
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