Sunday, 24 March 2013

The Writing's On The Wall

Literally! I am a huge fan of wordy art, and I have finally managed to fill the hugely blank nothingness in our living room.

You might recall that our living room is loooong with big straight walls and for the longest time they were bare and pretty much as boring as you can get.

These are the before photos, but I have taken some after pictures so you can see the difference. Now our room looks lived in and has some of personality.

This section of wall is just next to our Big Unit, and it's also the first thing you look at when you come through the door.

I absolutely love this mustache picture, which I bought from Next in the sale. I think it's just the right amount of silly, and 'taches are still pretty 'in' here in the UK. (I actually typed 'on trend' there first and felt an utter berk, so I deleted it. Ha! Maybe I am more of a berk for telling you that though... I shouldn't have mentioned it. Please keep reading!).

The huge frame holds a collage of my Instagram photos. I absolutely LOVE the fact that there are photos of completely inane things on here, like cheese on toast and my menu plan alongside photos of the kids. It's like an eclectic mix of the every day, and makes me smile whenever I look at it. I actually put this together in Photoshop, but if I were to do it again I think I would try using the collage feature of Picasa instead.

I still think I need a lil something above the 'tache, right next to the Instagram collage, but I'm not sure what...

We installed two Ribba picture ledges from Ikea above the sofa. I love the idea of being able to change out the accessories and move the photos and frames about when the mood takes me. I have taken the glass out of the white frame on the top shelf though, and I have to remove the glass from any larger frames I have up here. I have a real fear of the frames falling down and injuring the kids. They have actually fallen off here before when I had them placed in portrait orientation, so now I also just have them landscape. I guess if you don't have kids bouncing along the sofa directly underneath all the time you can have them any way you like!!

This huge silver frame matches my Instagram one, but I have attached this to the wall properly. There's no way it would sit on the shelf! Both these large photos I had printed by a local company I just emailed them the image and they printed it the same day. They were only £8 each, which I thought was pretty reasonable.

I absolutely love how simple this was to do and how cute it is. I just typed it out in Photoshop and printed myself on white cardstock. I originally saw something like this in a brochure I got through the post. It might have been Anyway, I loved the idea, but realised there was no point in paying for one when it's so easy to do myself!

I'm pretty bored with these three pictures now. They're just made from the matching wallpaper to the curtains I have. I'm stuck on ideas for what to have here instead though. I think I might wait until summer an take some nice new photos of the kiddos... I could even use Instagram images since the frames are square! Hmmm.... :)

No, I wasn't drunk when I took this photo, I was experimenting with a jaunty angle. Maybe not ay?!

I think I have already shown you my mirror, but I will show you again since I love it. And of course, it is on the wall in here, so it must be included in the tour. I found it at TK Maxx Homestyle and totally had to have it. I'd been looking for a suitable mirror for this space for absolutely ages and had almost given up hope of finding something a bit different.

I really must thin out the books on this shelf, I have far too many, but I read so quickly, they build up in no time. I have a carrier bag full in my wardrobe too, and I keep meaning to stick on eBay. Must put that down on my 1001 Things To Do list.

This plaque was from Achica. I love the sentiment here, "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." I am terribly guilty sometimes of thinking too much about the future, so I look at this and I'm reminded that life is happening right now. Even days where the kids are mental, the weather is pants and I have stubbed my toe eleventy-billion times are days to be lived and enjoyed in whatever way I can. It's also there to remind me to relax if we ever encounter bad times again. Before we had our children we went through a pretty rough patch with losing two babies late in pregnancy and I remember feeling like life was literally on pause until the next time I could get pregnant in hopes to bring home a healthy baby next time. I don't ever want to feel like that again.

And last but by no means, least is my super-awesome book-on-the-wall. I have no idea what these types of pictures are called. They do have a name, but I don't remember it. Maybe it's "Spineless.. something or other" Stupid faulty memory! I think... think I got it from Achica. The silhouettes are obviously the ascent of man and the background is made up of the whole text from Charles Darwin's "Origin of the Species." I am a classic ditherer and it took me so long to decide on whether to buy this, but I'm so glad I took the plunge and bought it. It's ah-mazing. I love love love it! :)

And that completes the tour of my living room artwork. Now the spaces are filled, but - as always - I don't feel like it's complete. Is anything in the home ever complete?!

How have you adorned your walls? Link me up in the comments so I can get to know your walls better too. :)
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