Friday, 20 November 2009

Update coming soon

Find me some time, please? Where's The Doctor when you need him?! I could really do with another 12 hours in my day. Either that or to suddenly thrive on only 3 hours of sleep or something.

Here's today's list:

Pay card bill - DONE
Ironing - Massive pile taking over dining end of living room
Clean guinea pigs out - They're fed up of paddling around in their own poop
Edit baby pics - Yeah, mum is moaning about not having any recent ones
Send pics to mum - see above
Phone Sky - Why are they charging us a million pounds every month?
Arrange estate agents - to value our home
Catch up with emails and PMs - Because people will wonder if I still exist
Take Xmas pic of the baby - to cheat when making cards
Make Xmas cards - all 100 of them
Make birthday invites - to save on postage and send with Xmas cards
Book baby's 8-12 month check-up - preferably before she turns 2
Book hair appointment - otherwise I won't be able to see all the stuff I'm supposed to be doing as my fringe is so long
Do banking - DONE

I'll let you know how I get on.

Oh and that's not including the list of things I have to do every day, usually:

Hoover - so baby doesn't eat the fluff, contact lenses and toenails that accumulate every day
Dishwasher - because we go through as many pots as a small restaurant
Cook healthy meals for baby - while I live on bourbons
Wash, dress, clothe small person - and me!
Entertain small person - while trying to get away with watching an episode of True Blood/Smallville/Stargate Universe at the same time.
Walk to town/Tesco/mini Tesco - for something that you need, but don't have a car to nip and get.

Then I will sit down tonight and wonder why the heck I've been busy all day and got nothing done.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009


I need a list. I like lists.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Be The Change!

With help from some of my online friends on the UK board I'm going to kick this nasty procrastination habit to the curb! I've got some great suggestions from them and starting tonight I'm a new woman!

So what have I done already... I did get up and do all the ironing when I said I would and we've just got Lyric in bed and I've booked our holiday to Centre Parcs, which I've been putting off doing for ages.

Before I go to bed tonight I'm going to fill the dishwasher, bring the washing in off the line, clear the dining table and take the big cardboard box up into the nursery (for the baby boy clothes and Lyrics newborn and 0-3 month clothes).

Tomorrow I'm going to Matalan with mum in the morning and then I have a good friend and her children (Anna, Jude, and Serena) coming round for a bit after school. So tomorrow I'll just do a load of washing or something and maybe sling the hoover round the living room. Oh, and the piggies need cleaning out too...

I'm sorry I'm being boring. The last thing you probably want to read about is my bloomin' housework, but that's what I'm all about at the minute - housewife and mother. I'll make it up to you by sharing some pics I took of Lyric yesterday. She's wearing a CUTE knitted cardi that buttons up at the bottom.


No Procrastination!

You know when someone asks "if there was one thing you could change about yourself what would it be?" Well my answer would be that i wish to bloody hell i could stop procrastinating as much. It does my head in! Even this blog entry is a cleverly disguised procrastination attempt because i don't want to get up and do my ironing!

So, from now on i pledge to stop procrastination cold turkey.

There are jobs i need to do and i can't do them all at once, granted. But what i can do is stop and think about whether i am not doing said job right now because i have something else to do first, or have already been busy and deserve a rest. OR am i just being a lazy numpty that needs to get off her fat arse and stop putting things off?!

Sunday, 15 March 2009

New Obsessions Needed

Okay, I need to think about something other than moving house. I don't think it's going to happen now, so I need to get my mind off it and use my obsessive tendencies for good. Obviously not being at work means my mind is working overtime on random things and I need to rein that in and concentrate on something that will help us. I have chosen the following subjects:     

1. New kitchen. Since we probably aren't moving it's time we looked at the 70's-esque food preparation area and decided what to do with it. We will save money until the end of the year, so until then, I need to get brochures, have design consultations, draw plans on my graph paper and generally obsess about layout/appliances/design, etc, etc. Yes. I did mention graph paper. We flirted with the idea of an extension to the house, so I got graph paper, measured the house and each room and made several detailed plans. Prior to that, we bought new bedroom furniture so I made a birdseye drawing of the bedroom and cut out little beds, wardrobes and drawers to scale in the choices we were looking at so that I could make sure we got the best fit for the room. Yes, I am a geek. I know this and I am not ashamed. Mock me as you will.

2. Weight loss. Having 3 babies in 3 years has really done a number on my body. I'm now 10 stone 10 and 5' 4" tall, which is not good. I want to get down to 9 stone, but I'll have to do it slowly so that I don't affect the breastfeeding. Basically, if I stop eating 20 biscuits a day and gorging myself stupid on jelly sweets and chocolate I should be a good way there!! I walk a few times a week when I take the baby out and about, plus the housework keeps me active (when I do it). So my lifestyle is quite a bit less sedentary than it was when I was working.

3. Decluttering / make spare cash. I am a hoarder by nature. I find it very difficult to let things go and have random collections of "stuff" in various stashes throughout the house. Mainly I hoard books, clothes, CD's, etc. I have started to sell my old books on Amazon and have received my first payment for £45. I'm listing all of my old maternity wear on eBay and there are tons of other things I have that I can sell as well. I sent off 4 old mobile phones to Envirophone the other week and got a cheque for £44 from that. I've been answering surveys online for a few pence and I'm due £50 for doing that. We collect 50p's and I have a copper jar too, which are up to about £55. Basically, maternity pay is SHIT and I need to be able to fund this new kitchen or house move somehow. If eBay hadn't made it a prohibited item I would so start selling photographs of my feet again!!! Now that was easy money!

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