Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Monster Themed First Birthday Party!

I know I know! Youngest's birthday was over a month ago and I am only just writing about it here. My Mum has kindly chided me into updating my blog, so here I am. Thanks, Mum! :)

Youngest's birthday was lovely and he was lucky enough to have TWO parties to celebrate turning 1. The first party was on the day of his birthday and his friends and their mummies all came along.

I made a special Monster Cake, Monster party bags, Monster googly eye cups, and a Monster happy birthday banner.

The cake was yummy, even if I do say so myself and the inside was all multicoloured and Monstery. :)

The kids seemed to have fun running about, playing with toys, making a mess and eating their party food.

We all sang Happy Birthday to the little Mister...

 And the birthday boy really, really loved the cake!

Once everyone had gone the house was in a spot of disarray.

But I wasn't worried as I had Eldest on hand to help clean up!

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