Friday, 31 December 2010

The Great Sock Declutter!!

I decided to start with something in keeping with the season. Since Christmas has only just been and gone, and like many Christians across the world, my family celebrated the birth of our Lord by the giving of socks. Not to be sniffed at! Especially since my great sock decluttering session exposed 51 pairs of too small, threadbare or holy socks.

Now my husband, daughter and I have lovely organised sock drawers. And I feel energised and motivated to carry on. Today the sock drawers, tomorrow... Knickers!! Maybe...

Oh, and in the interests of me thinking, "I wonder what would happen if..." I have listed our old socks on eBay. Nice!

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

The Home Organisation Project

And so begins The Home Organisation Project.

My home is not reaching it's full potential right now. The whole place needs a great deal of attention with many areas desperate for a good declutter and tidy up. We have lots of storage, but a big storage problem.

I realise that my approach has been all wrong. In the past when I've been at work I've often found solutions to workflow problems, created systems and processes for new jobs, implemented strategies for dealing with change. The list goes on and on.

Why should it be any different at home? This is my job now. I am a homemaker. The pay may be rubbish, but the rewards can be amazing. I just need to tap into my prior experience! Utilise my time management skills. Of course, I can still use my project management qualification. Right here!

So, I'm going to swallow my pride and take you into my home. I will show you the places I'd rather keep a secret. You will see clutter that will make you (and me) blush. My only hope is that i'm not alone.
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