Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Our Little Boy's Nursery

It is finally completed, only 4 months after his birth! ... Meh! He has only just started sleeping in there, he didn't need it til now! ;o)

We are really, really pleased with how it looks and love spending time in there now. I really enjoy sitting in the nursing chair with the low light lamp on and rocking him to sleep. It's so soothing!

So here are some before photos so you can see what it used to look like...

These photos are from when we first moved in. Yes, the radiator was indeed silver. In the first photo you can catch a glimpse of the wonderfully painted pine cladding that was covering every ceiling on the first floor. We were really dreading what that could be hiding, but thankfully it was nothing more than woodchip, so we just reboarded and plastered over. You can see how much the previous owners loved their orange pine too. 

Then when we were pregnant with our first baby we did the nursery for the first time. Forgive the bad photo, it was before I got into photography, and this crazy angle was the best I could do to fit as much in the picture as possible. 

unfortunately, our first baby didn't make it home and passed away shortly after birth, so the room remained untouched for months. Then it became a storage room for everything that had no official place. I don't have any photos of that though. 

Now for the "afters" :o)

The cot and white unit are from IKEA and the nursing chair was a baby shower gift from my girlfriends. We bought the bedding, wallpaper border, and curtains from Mamas and Papas, but from the outlet store so it was 75% off. SCORE! 

And here is the occupant himself...

Thank you for reading! :o)

Sarah. x

If you liked this post you might be interested in these ones too:

Nursery Storage Makeover
Wasted Space to Memo Place
Toy Organisation and Playroom Love
Hidden Mini Office in An IKEA Besta Unit
Master Bedroom Makeover


  1. WOW!!! What a beautiful room! Y'all did a great decorating job! The color is very soothing too! Congratulations on your new son. He is adorable!

  2. Thank you! I do enjoy being in there now. It's my favourite room at the moment. Thanks for your lovely comments! x

  3. Hello,
    it is so nice.

    Congratulation on your arrival. He is so handsome. :)

    I have the same nursery decoration, but my little boy still sleeps in our room and at the moment my mother in law uses his room while she is over to help us out. But in a month time I will arrange the flat back and he is going to start to sleep in his own room.
    At the min Im still trying to get hold of some other coordinating items for him. Wish we have a M&P outlet or had when this range was on a sale...

    I think our sons must be the same age. He is the best what ever happened to me. :)

    I am sorry to hear what happened with your first baby. Keep strong and I wish you a very happy life with your small one!! xx

  4. I'm so sorry to read about your first baby who wasn't able to come home with you...

    Korben's nursery is gorgeous - I love it!!!!

    1. Thanks, it was a long time ago now, but it still hurts. My two terrors keep me occupied though with plenty of love and laughs to help. :)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I love hearing from anyone who comes by to read my blog, and i try to respond to every comment. You all help me feel motivated to continue with this project. Loves! x

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