Friday, 7 January 2011

I'm Coveting This Laundry Hamper

This would make life a lot easier! No more bending into the one basket to lift out mixed up clothes, sorting into three piles then discovering that you don't have enough in any pile for a load...

Actually, that's not happened to me in years. Usually, I find I have too many of one colour section to do one load. In which case this is still a good item to have! Everyone puts their washing in the right basket so all I have to do is glance to see whether any of them are full enough for a load to be done, rather than having to empty and sort the one basket to see. Easy peasy!

There's a catch though. It's £30 in Next and I think that's a bit much to pay. I'll get my thinking cap on and see if I can come up with an alternative solution based on this idea.

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